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List of experiments (see the course schedule)

  1. Spherometer and Lens Clock
  2. Mirrors and the Mirage Toy
  3. Focal Length of Lenses [Conjugate foci and Bessel method]
  4. Spectrophotometer
  5. Index of Refraction of Lead Glass
  6. Malus' Law for Polarization - using an incandescent lamp
  7. Fresnel Reflection Laws - parallel and perpendicular polarization
  8. Turn-on Characteristics of a Laser
  9. Two-slit Interference
  10. Single-slit Diffraction
  11. Multiple Reflection Interference
  12. Michelson Interferometer
  13. Airy disk patterns
  14. Poisson's Spot

Some interesting projects: In addition to these labs, you may want to have a look at some of these small, qualitative exercises. You are not required to do these or hand them in, but they are a fun and you might want try these.