Data Analysis

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  1. Mathematical tools for analysis of data
    1. Matrix techniques in geometrical optics
    2. Phasors
    3. Some special mathematical functions
      1. Sinc
      2. Bessel
  2. Analysis Techniques
    1. Errors
      1. Precision and accuracy
      2. Random and systematic errors
      3. Propagation of errors
    2. Plotting and fitting data
      1. Plotting data
      2. Fitting data to mathematical functions
        1. Straight line
        2. Polynomial
        3. Other functions
      3. Goodness of fit


The following are all very good. The first one is nice and succint. The second has some nice programming examples. The last one has a great front cover showing a photo of a train which plowed through a train station in Paris.

A Practical Guide to Data Analysis for Physical Science Students by Louis Lyons, Cambridge Press (1991) ISBN 0-521-42463-1

Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences 2nd ed by P. Bevington and D. Robertson (1992) ISBN 0-07-911243-9

Experimentation - An Introduction to Measurement Theory and Experiment Design 3rd ed by D. C. Baird, Prentice Hall (1995) ISBN 0-13-303298-1

An Introduction to Error Analysis by John R. Taylor, University Science Books (1982) ISBN 0-935702-15