Upated: January 5, 2000

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P360 is a 3-credit hour course in Physical Optics with a strong emphasis on measurement and the application of the principles of electromagnetism to optical systems and phenomena. Class meetings consist of:

Please see the course schedule for due dates for homework and exams Your final grade will be based on the following:

% of Final Grade
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Labs (based on in-lab work and writeups)

Course Description

P360 Physical Optics (3 cr.) NMNS P: P331 or consent of instructor. Physical optics and electromagnetic waves based on electromagnetic theory: wave equations; phase and group velocity; dispersion; coherence, interference, diffraction, and polarization of light and of electromagnetic radiation generally; wave guides; holography; masers and lasers; introduction to optical spectroscopy.

Topics to be Covered in Lecture and/or Labs:

  1. Wave Motion
    1. Mathematical representation of waves
    2. Superposition
    3. Wave equation
    4. Plane, cylindrical and spherical waves
  2. Electromagnetic Theory
    1. Electromagnetic Waves
    2. Radiation
    3. Light in matter
  3. Propagation of Light
    1. Rayleigh scattering
    2. Reflection
    3. Refraction
    4. Fermat's principle
    5. Total internal reflection
    6. Optical properties of metals
  4. Geometric Optics
    1. Lens
    2. Stops
    3. Mirrors
    4. Prisms
    5. Fiber optics
    6. Wavefront shaping
    7. Thick lenses and lens systems
    8. Ray tracing
    9. Aberrations
    10. Matrix methods and beam optics
    11. Matrix methods and beam optics
  5. Optical Instruments
    1. Human eye
    2. Camera
    3. Photographic film
    4. Telescope
    5. Microscope
  6. Superposition of Waves
    1. Same frequencies
    2. Different frequencies
    3. Anharmonic and periodic
  7. Polarization
    1. Nature
    2. Polarizers
    3. Dichroism
    4. Birefringence
    5. Scattering and polarization
    6. Retarders
    7. Circular polariztion
    8. Optical activity
    9. Mathematical description
  8. Interference
    1. Conditions for interference
    2. Young's experiment
    3. Michelson interferometer
    4. Types and localization of fringes
    5. Multiple beam interference
    6. Optical thin film
    7. Applications
  9. Diffraction
    1. Fraunhofer diffraction
    2. Fresnel diffraction
    3. Fresnel zone plate
    4. Spatial and temporal coherence
  10. Fourier Optics
    1. Fourier transform
    2. Optical applications
    3. Dirac delta function
    4. Convolution and correlation
  11. Light Detectors
    1. Photoconductive
    2. Semionductor photodiodes
    3. Photomultipliers
    4. Charge coupled devices
  12. Lasers
    1. Quantum nature of light
    2. Spontaneous and stimulated emission
    3. Population inversion
    4. Optical resonant cavities
    5. Modes of laser beam
    6. Spectral bandwidth
    7. Types of lasers
  13. Holography
    1. On-axis
    2. Off-axis
    3. Reflection holography
    4. Color holography
  14. Fiber Optics
    1. Construction
    2. Waveguides
    3. Types of optical fiber
    4. Optical fiber communication
  15. Light and Color in Nature
    1. Shadows
    2. Clear blue sky
      1. Polariztion
      2. Bishop's ring
      3. Aureole
      4. Green flash
      5. Twinkling
      6. Mirages
      7. Airglow
    3. Water and light
      1. Color of pure water
      2. Color from suspended particles
      3. Glitter
      4. Why is foam white?
      5. Wet spot
    4. Water drops
      1. Rainbows
      2. Forward and backscatter phenomena
      3. Why are clous white?
      4. Haze, smog and smoke
    5. Ice and halos
      1. Halos
      2. Sundogs
      3. Pillars
      4. Naked eye astronomy
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