January 5, 2000
Home | Overview
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| Problem Sets | Labs
P360 is a 3-credit hour course
in Physical Optics with a strong emphasis on
measurement and the application of the principles of electromagnetism
to optical systems and phenomena. Class meetings consist of:
- Two lectures per week
- 12:20 to 1:10 p on Monday and
- Room: Swain West 218
- Section 3232
- One lab per week
- 2:30 to 4:30 p on
- Room: Swain West 102
- Section 3233
Please see the course schedule for due
dates for homework and exams Your final grade will be based on the
% of Final
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Labs (based on in-lab work and writeups)

P360 Physical Optics (3 cr.) NMNS P: P331 or consent of
instructor. Physical optics and electromagnetic waves based on
electromagnetic theory: wave equations; phase and group velocity;
dispersion; coherence, interference, diffraction, and polarization of
light and of electromagnetic radiation generally; wave guides;
holography; masers and lasers; introduction to optical
Topics to be Covered in Lecture and/or
- Wave Motion
- Mathematical representation of waves
- Superposition
- Wave equation
- Plane, cylindrical and spherical waves
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Radiation
- Light in matter
- Propagation of Light
- Rayleigh scattering
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Fermat's principle
- Total internal reflection
- Optical properties of metals
- Geometric Optics
- Lens
- Stops
- Mirrors
- Prisms
- Fiber optics
- Wavefront shaping
- Thick lenses and lens systems
- Ray tracing
- Aberrations
- Matrix methods and beam optics
- Matrix methods and beam optics
- Optical Instruments
- Human eye
- Camera
- Photographic film
- Telescope
- Microscope
- Superposition of Waves
- Same frequencies
- Different frequencies
- Anharmonic and periodic
- Polarization
- Nature
- Polarizers
- Dichroism
- Birefringence
- Scattering and polarization
- Retarders
- Circular polariztion
- Optical activity
- Mathematical description
- Interference
- Conditions for interference
- Young's experiment
- Michelson interferometer
- Types and localization of fringes
- Multiple beam interference
- Optical thin film
- Applications
- Diffraction
- Fraunhofer diffraction
- Fresnel diffraction
- Fresnel zone plate
- Spatial and temporal coherence
- Fourier Optics
- Fourier transform
- Optical applications
- Dirac delta function
- Convolution and correlation
- Light Detectors
- Photoconductive
- Semionductor photodiodes
- Photomultipliers
- Charge coupled devices
- Lasers
- Quantum nature of light
- Spontaneous and stimulated emission
- Population inversion
- Optical resonant cavities
- Modes of laser beam
- Spectral bandwidth
- Types of lasers
- Holography
- On-axis
- Off-axis
- Reflection holography
- Color holography
- Fiber Optics
- Construction
- Waveguides
- Types of optical fiber
- Optical fiber communication
- Light and Color in Nature
- Shadows
- Clear blue sky
- Polariztion
- Bishop's ring
- Aureole
- Green flash
- Twinkling
- Mirages
- Airglow
- Water and light
- Color of pure water
- Color from suspended particles
- Glitter
- Why is foam white?
- Wet spot
- Water drops
- Rainbows
- Forward and backscatter phenomena
- Why are clous white?
- Haze, smog and smoke
- Ice and halos
- Halos
- Sundogs
- Pillars
- Naked eye astronomy

Home | Overview
| Schedule | References
| Problem Sets | Labs