Birds, Squirrels and Our Gum Tree
April , 2012
Alex's Website and Email
When we bought our house from Laura Hollingshead 25 years ago (May 1987) she told us about planting her gum tree some years before we met her. That tree, which is about 15 feet from our dining room, is now the focal point for watching and photographing birds, and therefore, squirrels as well, since birdfeeders are involved. You can see our layout - four feeders and that gum tree. Linda pointed out that I failed to label "grass" but I'll let you figure that one out.
A typical scene from the dining room - a squirrel, a dove and three blue jays. At times there may be 8 or so blue jays in the gum tree. We have several squirrels that are happy to help with consuming the bird seed - especially sunflower seeds loved by all.
Above: A closer look at a dove. Left: Two shots of a squirrel moving quickly about 40 feet from the dinning room. Here is a little video clip I took of two squirrels trying to climb up our lubricated feeder pole.
One of our many blue jays (left) and (right) a superposition of two photos taken 140 milliseconds apart approaching a feeder. The shutter speed is 1 millisecond.
Brown-headed Cowbird
Tufted Titmouse
Common Grackle
American Goldfinch - male (left) & female (right)
Cardinal - male (left) & female (right)
Crow (above) & Male Cardinal (right)
Over the Gum Tree - Turkey Vulture
Thanks to Linda's Mom - Lois - for her great help in identifying birds