Mar 06
Today, Sunday May 6, was a good bird day, a good dive day and a nice sunny day. The bird photos were all taken from our kitchen window. It has been awhile since I've seen a Troupial up close. This morning, the one in the photo to the right perched on a branch and almost immediately flew off but not before I grabbed my camera and got off a single shot. The Bare-eyed Pigeon photos were also taken this morning. Late in the afternoon parrots were in a tree along the road. I was facing east to take those photos with the nearly setting sun providing good lighting. Our dives were at Te Amo (morning) and Yellow Submarine (afternoon). We heard about a Seahorse located at a depth of 36 feet near the first pillar of the airport pier (to receive fuel). Linda found it. We also saw a Green Turtle and a small school of Barracuda. Nothing too special at the Yellow Submarine site but it was a nice, relaxing dive: and old anchor photo, a Pufferfish and French Angelfish.